#NormalContact administration

Why do we have so many short blog posts?

Why do we squeeze #NormalContact into such short blog posts?

Lately we’ve received a handful of messages asking us why we squeeze #NormalContact thoughts into such short blog posts. The answer is relatively simple: it helps us keep the blog posts super focused and within the scope of #NormalContact.

To be fair, we have our share of longer posts. Most of them, however, fall very close to the SEO-recommended minimum length of 300 words. That’s the length that search engines want to see to consider a page or post a “real” page, and not just a fragment. Even though we’re likely to be suppressed by a search engine like Google anyhow, we do put a bit of effort into making sure that our posts and pages are well-optimized.

Like we said, though, the biggest reason that we post so many short blog posts is mostly about staying focused. The #NormalContact philosophy has an extremely narrow focus. Some of our volunteers would love to write about the prudence of the shutdowns and masking. Others would like to write about the tyranny of those same things. Those personal opinions are fine to debate in our team chat. (We have a lively debate channel!) But on the blog they need to stay precisely that: personal opinions.

The bottom line is this: the worst thing that we could do is not actually to be wrong. The worst thing we could do would be to betray our own purpose with #NormalContact. This movement is about a small but powerful idea that goes beyond politics: the idea that our humanity comes first before fear. Or, as the authors of the Declaration of Independence put it: “We mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” And so for that reason, if nothing else, our blog posts often run a bit short. We hope you can forgive our choice of focus over quantity.